
Applying for a DL Name Change in England

Process for a DL Name Change in England

If you have changed your name, it’s important to notify that the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency promptly. In this way, your records remain current and any further contacts you make with the DVLA is conducted under the new name. The process involves sending your driver’s license to the DVLA to be altered. They will issue you the new license at no charge (assuming that the photo has not expired and is due for renewal).

Process of the application of a DL Name Change in England

Change the name of the Driver’s Licence is quite a simple procedure. The process is like this:

  1. The applicant must fill in the D1 application form. The form can be requested online form through click here. You can also pick them up at the nearest Post Office branch.
  2. You must add the original document that confirms your change in name. Documentary evidence that is acceptable includes wedding certificates, a decree absolute or Deed Poll document. Note that they do not take copies of photocopies.
  3. The photo card should be attached to your driving licence along with the paper version.
  4. Then, send all these documents all of these documents to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BN.

Receiving Your New Driving Licence

As long as you attach the proper documentation in your application, you can expect to receive a new driver’s licence in about three weeks. If you or the DVLA will need to conduct medical or other details about your personal examinations, it could prolong the process for changing names on the driving licence. To complete the process as swiftly as you can, it’s recommended to warrant that you’ve included everything you need prior to making your application.

Driving Before You Receive Your New Licence

A majority of drivers can remain driving while waiting for their new license. To be able to fall into this class, you have to:

  • You have an British (or Northern Ireland) driving license issued prior to the 1 January 1976. January 1976.
  • You must be able to obtain a driver’s license.
  • You have not been denied an entry permit due to medical reasons or for not complying with any medical requirements about your license.
  • Have not been denied an authorization due to medical reasons. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor in case you have any doubts regarding this.
  • Respect any terms and conditions that apply to your license.

Disqualified Drivers

If you’ve been temporarily banned from driving due to any reason, it’s recommended that you inform the DVLA of the change in your name at the beginning of this time. Write to DVLA, Swansea SA99 1AB giving details of changes in your name, location, driver’s licence number as well as your date of birth. The records will then be revised and you’ll be issued an D27 driving licence renewal form prior to the expiration of your time of disqualification.

Changing the Name on Your Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C)

If you have a car, it is also necessary to correct the information on the certificate of registration by contacting the DVLA.


The Process of Changing Your Name in the UK

Step 1: Decide on Your New Name

The first step of making changes to your name via deed-poll is to choose the new name you want to use. You have a great deal of flexibility to choose your name There are some rules to take note of including not together names that include figures, symbols or offensive words.

Step 2: Draft Your Deed Poll

After you’ve decided on your new name The next thing to do is to write the deed-poll. It can be accomplished by several methods:

  • DIY Deed Poll You are able to draft your own deed-poll with the benefit of specific rules to assure that it is legally valid.
  • Internet Deed Poll service: There are many web-based services which allow you the possibility of preparing a deed-poll with a charge. This is an excellent opportunity however make sure that you trust the company.
  • solicitor: for those who need the security of legal guidance, creating your deed-poll by contacting a solicitor is a viable option but it’s the pricier option.

Step 3: Sign and Witness Your Deed Poll

When you have completed your deed-poll the document has to be witnessed and signed by the person who wrote it for it to be legal. Two witnesses are required that are at least 18 years old and not connected to you or living within the same residence. They must be able to witness you sign the deed and then sign the deed with their names as well as address.

Step 4: Enroll Your Deed Poll (Optional)

In most cases, witnessing your deeds will suffice to make the name change acknowledged. If you want your name change to become a the public record, it is possible to decide to enroll your deed with the Royal Courts of Justice. The process isn’t required however it may be beneficial to make your name more transparent or for personal reasons.

Step 5: Update Your Documents and Records

After you have signed and witnessed your (and perhaps and possibly enrolled) deed-poll, you will now be able to start the process of putting the name of your legal documents and other records. That includes your passport and driving license, as well as utility bills, accounts with banks and other government documents. It is recommended to begin with identification papers, since you’ll need them for updating your information elsewhere.

For any further assistance or information on a DL Name Change in England, contact us here.

DL Name Change in England

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